

Spadel signs Green Deal ‘Anders Verpakt’

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On Friday 11th March more than 80 organisations signed the Flemish Green Deal Anders Verpakt, in the attendance of Flemish Minister of Economy and Innovation Hilde Crevits and Minister of Environment Zuhal Demir. During the next 3 years participants will search for solutions to stimulate the prevention and reuse of packaging in distribution.

If we want to achieve a circular economy, we must use our raw materials more sustainably. Prevention (and more specifically the omission of packaging) and the reuse of packaging are part of the solution and are at the core of the Green Deal “Anders Verpakt” – which can be translated as “packed differently”.

Both reducing packaging and growing our reusable formats are part of Spadel’s 10 sustainable packaging commitments, launched in 2019. We will reduce the weight of our single use plastic footprint by 15% by 2025, and we want 20% of our volume sales to be based on reusable formats by 2025.

Cooperation is key

Moving away from single use packaging demands cooperation across the value chain. This Green Deal brings together research and academic institutions, government, business, social economy organisations and industry federations.

Collaboration throughout the value chain allows pilot projects to be established on a larger scale. This way a wider group of customers (both B2B and B2C) has the opportunity to make a choice for a product with less one-way packaging. During the next 3 years, the Green Deal has the ambition to reduce single use packaging by 15.000 tons.

Working together at different levels

Underlying Spadel’s 10 packaging commitments is the recognition that we cannot achieve these alone, partnerships and transparency are key. In signing the Green Deal we want to share our experience, but also learn from other participants in order to identify new avenues that may change the way we bring our water to consumers. In the same thinking, Spadel earlier joined the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s “New Plastics Economy Global Commitment” and the Plastic Pact NL.

About the Green Deal

The Green Deal is an initiative of OVAM (Public Waste Agency of Flanders), VIL (Flanders innovation cluster for logistics), COMEOS (Federation Belgian commerce & services), Detic (Belgian and Luxembourg association for producers and distributors of cosmetics, cleaning and maintenance products, adhesives, sealants, biocides and aerosols ) and FEVIA Flanders (Federation of Belgian food industry).

Follow the Green Deal on the dedicated site or LinkedIn group.

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A family owned independent company