

Spadel wins Belgian Business Award for the Environment

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The Spadel Group and its SPA brand are proud to be awarded a Belgian Business Award for the Environment in the "Business & Biodiversity" category. These awards are given every other year by the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB/VBO). They honour companies that combine innovation and economic viability with environmental protection. The award is a recognition of the efforts made by the group for decades to protect the environment and biodiversity, particularly at its Spa Monopole site.

Spa site biodiversity positive

Last November, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Spa Monopole and SPA Reine, a quantitative and scientific study carried out by Arcadis showed that the company has had a net positive impact on local biodiversity thanks to the measures taken for decades to protect and restore biodiversity in the Spa mineral water protection zone.

In Spa, these measures include the preservation of wetlands, the maintenance of a good balance between coniferous and deciduous trees to protect the water table and improve overall biodiversity, and the prohibition of all agricultural and industrial activities in the watersheds, as well as the use of road salt, pesticides, and fertilizers.

In recent years, the company has also been involved in the LIFE Ardenne liégeoise programme, in the co-creation of the Parc Naturel des Sources, and in a project for the preservation of the Black Grouse, an emblematic bird of the Fens.

These positive initiatives far outweigh the negative impacts on biodiversity, caused by greenhouse gas emissions and land destruction of the factory.

"All these initiatives are part of our determination to implement increasingly ambitious actions to preserve and even restore the nature that surrounds us. We are obviously very happy that our efforts have been recognized with this Belgian Business Award for the Environment, but the road does not end here. On the contrary, we want to continue and even accelerate this positive impetus, in order to inspire other companies to follow the same path. After the very positive results achieved in Spa in terms of biodiversity, the Spadel Group is committed to achieving a positive impact on biodiversity for all its sites in Europe by 2025." – Marc du Bois, CEO of the Spadel Group

All sites biodiversity positive by 2025

Biodiversity efforts are not limited to the Spa site. Building on the work already done, we are committed to achieving a positive impact on biodiversity for all our sites in Europe by 2025 and wish to inspire other companies to follow the same path.

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A family owned independent company