

Watch our Carbon Neutrality Webinar

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2020 has been a milestone year for the Spadel Group in more ways than one. And although we have achieved many goals, being awarded with the CO2 Neutral label is a particular source of pride. This means that the carbon impact of every bottle of water you buy is now completely neutralised. But what is carbon neutrality? Why is this important for you and Spadel? We made a webinar to answer these questions and more.

“Climate change is a major societal challenge and we take our responsibility very seriously. Instead of transferring the impact of our activities to future generations, we are choosing to invest in CO2 neutrality across the entire value chain.” – Marc du Bois, CEO Spadel Group

More than 100 people registered for our live ‘Carbon Neutral Webinar’, which took place on 8th October 2020. Franck Lecomte, Head of Innovation & Sustainable Growth at Spadel, hosted three guests who offer insights on carbon neutrality:

  • Marc du Bois, CEO Spadel
  • Antoine Geerinckx, Founder & CEO CO2 Logic
  • Patrick Jobé, Group Environment & Hydrogeological Manager Spadel

The webinar also features testimonials from our customers Delhaize, NS Retail and Hyper U, consumers in the Benelux and from the General Managers of our different markets. The webinar concludes with a Q&A session.

Carbon Neutral Webinar: Table of content

  • Introduction by Franck Lecomte (0:00)
  • What is carbon neutrality ? – Video CO2 Logic (3:45)
  • Why should a company aim for carbon neutrality ? (5:22)
    – Antoine Geerinckx
    – Marc du Bois
  • How do our clients look at carbon neutrality ? (11:45)
    – Insights from Delhaize, NS Retail, Hyper U
  • How do consumers in the BeNeLux look at carbon neutrality ? (17:35)
    – BeNeLux consumer survey
  • Carbon neutrality, how does it work ? (21:45)
    – Antoine Geerinckx
  • Carbon neutrality & reduction: The case of Spadel (24:25)
    – Patrick Jobé
  • Offsetting: Which projects are eligible & why in developing countries ? (33:50)
    – Antoine Geerinckx
  • CO2 Neutral Label: What does it stand for ? (42:05)
    – Antoine Geerinckx
  • CO2 Neutral: Our General Managers (country directors) react (43:20)
    – Valérie Siegler
    – Borislava Nalbantova
    – Bart Peeters
  • What is next for Spadel ? (48:35)
    – Marc du Bois
  • Q&A ? (52:10)
    – Moderator: Franck Lecomte
    – Speakers: Marc du Bois, Antoine Geerinckx, Patrick Jobé
  • Final remarks (59:58)
    – Franck Lecomte

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