We act
As a loyal partner to the 20 km of Brussels, we know just how much litter large events create. And if we want to help create a litter-free environment, we need to work with our event partners and our consumers to ensure nothing is left behind and everything is recycled.
Studies show that staying hydrated is essential for an optimal performance in any sports and to prevent health risks. Sports nutritionist Denis Riché, one of the founders of the magazine ‘Sport et Vie’ even states that a loss of 1% body weight in fluids equates to a 10% drop in performance. A 2% loss of fluid – when you really feel the need to drink – can mean a performance loss of up to 20%. Making SPA® Reine the perfect partner for any sportsman or woman.
The biggest challenge at any large-scale event is ensuring all waste is collected and recycled. And so, in 2019, we almost doubled the recycling bins along the various hydration stations en route of the Brussels 20km run. Hundreds of scouts helped pick up bottles that missed the bins. Bottle caps were collected separately and donated to various good causes. Finally, a Lemon Tri collection machine further enticed people to hand in their bottles at the finish line.
This was important to us – not only because we achieved a close-to-100% collection rate – but also because we were supporting GoodPlanet’s ‘Tiny Forest’ project. We are exceptionally proud to have recycled all packaging materials as well as planting 1,000 trees in urban areas this year thanks to the support of the 40,000 runners, 400 scouts and the general public.
Our before and after movies were sent to all participants and were widely distributed across all channels to ensure we were able to sensitise as many people as possible. After all, a healthy and clean environment is integral to a lasting and sustainable future for this generation and the next.
Partnering with events such as the 20km of Brussels is very important to Spadel. Not because we get to have our logo on the banner, but because we can connect with our consumers and investigate innovative ways of collection as we aim for a 100% collection rate of all the packaging we bring to market. Everything we learn from these events helps us on the road to 100% collection of our packaging by 2025 and we are already looking forward to the 2020 edition of the 20km of Brussels.
The Spadel community comprises all sorts of stakeholders: from strategic suppliers to the out-of-home consumers of our natural spring waters. We all share a responsibility for our natural world as together we are the Source of Change®.
A family owned independent company
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